The Go-To Place For Workshop Content

The Taste Labs were designed to impart actionable insights that will help you drive performance in your venues.
In this article you can access all of the content shared at the workshops to help you hustle like you own it!

The Food Lab
HACCP & Navitas,
Redefined Meat
UNOX AI Cooking

The Food Lab
Edwin van den Heijkant 
Bilal Saleh
Keith Churchil
Featuring our partners Navitas, Redefine Meat & UNOX
Speed geek your way around multiple demonstrations by our Regional Chefs and industry leaders in this foodie trend tank.  Get to grips with Navitas, deep dive into the practice of fermentation, try your hand at AI Cooking and get a sneak preview of Redefine Meat
Kitchen Cut
Back of house software solution now compatible with Birchstreet.
Kitchen CUT.pdfStuart Duff &
John Wood
An introduction to the end-to-end supply chain software that supports chefs in driving performance and profit. Join Stuart Duff and John Wood for a practical demonstration and all-important Q&A.
The Notorious BSG*
Beverage Standard Guide
The Notorious BSG.pdfTom QuinnHow to the think strategically about the Beverage Standard Guide and approach product and relationships for optimal value
Wild Spirit Wines with Allister KreftWild Spirit Wines with Allister Kreft.pdfAllister Kreft from
Under The Influence
Where passion and purpose collide in the glass – our Wild Spirit Wines partner from South Africa will speak about sharing the Purpose, People, Place & Wine Stories to our guests
The Retail Talent Lab
LEAD with Flavour & Flair, so Talent Joins, Stays and Thrives: a focus on F&D
The Retail Talent Lab.pdfClare Barker
Björn Olthof
Hannie van Liebergen
Join our HR leaders for a high impact session covering the resources and tools available to support recruitment in your hotels, drive talent development and create a culture in which you and your teams can thrive.
Increase Hotel F&D Profitability with Avero Increase Hotel F&D Profitability with Avero.pptxAvero leadershipLearn how to improve the food and drink profitability with Avero, the game-changing Business intelligence tool
Driving F&D PerformanceDriving F&D Performance.pdfJaroslaw Jezierski
Meritxell Bulbena Vela
Xhulijano Nukaj
A detailed look at performance management to drive better financial results
F&D ForecastingF&D Forecasting.pptxAylin Kocak
Shaun Bhatia
An interactive look at F&D forecasting to improve planning and increase efficiency
Art & Science of Menu EngineeringArt & Science of Menu Engineering.pdfRhys Owain
Franco Luise
Rhys and Franco bring the menu engineering playbook to life with a practical session from an operator’s perspective.
We Go: FAR
FDDO unpacked
We Go FAR.pptxFrankie Bennett
Alexander Ferris
Roz Burgess
Interactive and insightful session into the Food & Drink Development and Openings (FDDO) process with Frankie, Alex and Roz
The Food Lab
HACCP & Navitas,
Redefined Meat
UNOX AI Cooking

The Food Lab
Edwin van den Heijkant 
Bilal Saleh
Keith Churchil
Featuring our partners Navitas, Redefine Meat & UNOX
Speed geek your way around multiple demonstrations by our Regional Chefs and industry leaders in this foodie trend tank.  Get to grips with Navitas, deep dive into the practice of fermentation, try your hand at AI Cooking and get a sneak preview of Redefine Meat
Black Truffle Mindset with Chef Vojtech Végh
Food waste reimagined
Black Truffle Mindset with Chef Vojtech Végh.pdfVojtech Végh
& Franco Luise
Featuring our partners Winnow
Reframe how you think about waste and learn tips and trips from an industry changemaker on how to perfect your zero waste cooking techniques in a scalable way.
The Art of Food Photography with Chef Jodi-Ann PalmerThe Art of Food Photography with Chef Jodi-Ann Palmer.pdfCelebrated chef and Hilton partner Jodi-Ann PalmerCelebrated food technician and CEO of The Food Design Agency gives a game-changing masterclass on the art of visual storytelling.
The Notorious BSG*
Beverage Standard Guide
The Notorious BSG.pdfTom QuinnHow to the think strategically about the Beverage Standard Guide and approach product and relationships for optimal value
The Multidimensional WineThe Multidimensional Wine.pptxGérard BertrandAn immersive and interactive  experience centered around wine’s five senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch
The Retail Talent Lab
LEAD with Flavour & Flair, so Talent Joins, Stays and Thrives: a focus on F&D
The Retail Talent Lab.pdfClare Barker
Björn Olthof
Hannie van Liebergen
Join our HR leaders for a high impact session covering the resources and tools available to support recruitment in your hotels, drive talent development and create a culture in which you and your teams can thrive.
The Hustle ‘How To’
F&D Marketing Masterclass
The Hustle ‘How To’ F&D Marketing Masterclass.pdfJovana Crutchley
Nikki Schouwenburg
Hannah Pritchard
A fast-paced no nonsense how-to hustle guide from three of the region’s most successful food and drink marketing leaders.
Seven Rooms:
Hilton Success Stories
Seven Rooms Hilton Success Stories.pdfSevenRooms TeamSharing best practice to inspire greatness
Seven Rooms Masterclass:
Optimizing The Platform
Seven Rooms Masterclass Optimizing The Platform.pdfSevenRooms TeamHow to use Data to Optimize Your Books and Deliver Exceptional Guest Experiences
Seven Rooms Masterclass:
Revenue Management
Seven Rooms Masterclass Revenue Management.pdfSevenRooms TeamHow to leverage the Marketing and Experience Toolkit to Drive Incremental Growth