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Prepare to hustle like you own it at the first EMEA F&D conference in 10 years!

A World of Taste: Powered by Purpose is Hilton EMEA’s food and drink conference bringing together regional F&D leaders in an action-packed 3-day programme of immersive content, followed by the 1-day grand final of the high-octane talent contest Flavour & Flair: Hilton Tastemakers.

All about the Flavour & Flair Hilton Tastemakers Grand Final!

This year, taste shines as finalists vie for the #HiltonTastemakers crown.

Where taste takes centre stage.

Expect two days of action-packed content and programming on The Taste Spotlight plenary stage located in the Grand Ballroom on M4 level, featuring Hilton core messaging, inspirational industry insights and high profile guest speakers.

Meet industry icons at the conference and contest!

Throughout the action-packed 4-day programme we will be joined by some truly iconic people who will add to the flavour and flair during the event! Whether hosting our events, giving keynotes, taking part in panels judging Hilton Tastemakers, these awesome people will bring their signature stardust to proceedings.

The go-to place to satisfy an inquiring mind.

On Tuesday and Wednesday our Chefs and F&D leaders will be expected to take part in The Taste Lab workshops located on M2 level. The schedule is packed for of actionable insights that will help you drive performance in your venues.

Nominees for the first ever EMEA F&D Rockstars Awards Revealed!

Launching at the conference, the EMEA F&D Rockstars Awards will be an annual celebration of talent from our glorious region! In this article we reveal the nominees who have gone above and beyond to support the EMEA F&D strategy and vision – and drive performance and promise - in their venues and hotels. We look forward to celebrating their brilliance with you in style, at The Taste Experience gala dinner on Tuesday 4th February.

Thank you to our partners who have made the magic happen!

They say that finding great partnership is the key to success in anything….We have our amazing partners to thank for their support in bringing both the conference and contest to life through their contribution. We ask that all of you give them the time that they richly deserve networking in both The Taste Exchange and The Taste Marketplace.

All the information you need to ensure you have a great experience!

The Countdown is on until the EMEA F&D Conference Istanbul 2025 and the grand final of Flavour & Flair Hilton Tastemakers!

Experience an epic food and drink showcase at 3 exciting events. 

As a celebration of food and drink our event schedule was never going to be boring! Dress to impress, turn up hungry and pack your (professional) party pants as we celebrate the best and brightest F&D talent from across the region.

It’s time to Rise to the Occasion: the all-new resource hub for Groups, Meetings and Events is now live!

With quite literally years of work invested into it, we are proud to present Rise to the Occasion: the ultimate resource for everything you need to deliver world-class GM&E in your hotels. This online hub has been created exclusively for Hilton Team Members to give you all the insight, information and inspiration you need to deliver excellence, every time.