In this business talent will only get you so far! It is now time to put some muscle behind your hustle and go from good to great in your venues!
We hope that you found the conference and contest super inspirational – the whole event was designed with hustle in mind – every touchpoint, every message, every food and drink moment and every tune was chosen to demonstrate the art of the possible and show you how to go from good to great because Hilton’s mission is to be the best.
So now it’s time to hustle and we have curated some content to assist you in your mission to create the best food and drink possible to create the World’s Best Stay.
Firstly, we would love for you to host your own mini conference in your hotel if possible so that you can share what you have learned with your teams firsthand. On this website you have all the content from A World of Taste Powered By Purpose and here is template for a one day conference agenda to help you on your way!
Secondly , and most importantly, you now need to put together your own Hustle Strategy based on everything you have learned – and do so in a way that is relevant to your hotel business. To guide you on this mission we have created another document which demonstrates how to hustle in 6 simple steps as outline below:
You will be required to attend a webinar wherein this will be explained to you in detail – but suffice it to say that from this you will need to craft your own F&D Hustle Strategy and Action Plan against which you will be measured so that we can take Hilton EMEA’s food and drink to the next level.